Planned extension of the Trust Square in Zurich Bahnhofstrasse

Blockchain technology is already firmly established in Switzerland, and the Trust Square Center on Zurich Bahnhofstrasse in particular is considered to be an enormously important hub for this branch. Although the Trust Square Center is already impressive, there are still big plans.
The blockchain node par excellence
It’s already big anyway, but apparently it’s not big enough yet. Zürcher Bahnhofstrasse will in future accommodate the globally largest and most impressive center in the entire blockchain sector and will in future be able to accommodate even more followers. No more and no less than the largest blockchain hub is to be created and these plans have been funded through a private initiative. However, these plans are not to be realized sometime in the distant future; in the fourth quarter of 2018, the area is to be expanded to more than 3,000 m². This would mean that 300 researchers and young entrepreneurs could find a job in Trust Square.
With the expansion of Trust Square, the ambitions that the initiative in the booming blockchain industry has again clearly been underlined. In international comparison, there are currently even larger Blockchain hubs, but this fact should change this year. Work on this ambitious project has even begun. In April 2018, the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony took place. Nearly 40 research projects and start-up companies are currently working on the development and further modernization of blockchain applications at Trust Square. The expansion is intended to further increase the speed with which the projects are operated. Currently, the area covered by Trust Square is around 2,300 m². With an additional 700 m² noticeably more space for creativity should be created.
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A fresh mind needs space and with 200 new jobs, the necessary variety of innovations and new ideas will find its way into the Trust Square. In order to be able to operate the world’s largest blockchain hub in the future, the lease was specifically extended. By the end of the year 2019, the building is now available and an extension of this rental period is currently being negotiated. However, in order to leave nothing to chance, the operators of the Trust Square are extremely flexible and also check other locations that can offer longer-term opportunities.
With the expansion of the building, the Trust Square can also enjoy prominent new entrants. Well-known companies such as the crypto-financing company Circle or the Chinese blockchain project operator NEO will operate their activities from the Trust Square in the future. Especially NEO is considered an enormously ambitious and serious competitor to the well-known ether. The foundation Ethereum in Zug had established this blockchain.
Behind the Trust Square is an initiative, which is operated and completely privately financed by a total of five founders. This initiative has an excellent reputation and in the past has already cooperated with the Universities of Basel and Zurich as well as the ETH in Zurich. Added to that, at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil and the Lucerne University, the name Trust Square is a well-sounding term.
Although the cryptocurrency of Bitcoin is on the strong side of strong price fluctuations, cryptocurrencies are regarded as a future project par excellence. With the expansion of Trust Square, the private initiative thus shows a vision that is essential for today’s entrepreneurs. However, there is still some speculation as to whether the lofty plan of Trust Square will really bear fruit.
Sufficient space for new innovations in the blockchain industry will definitely be available and if Trust Square succeeds in inspiring even more companies for the project in addition to the already prominent names, nothing should stand in the way of success. For Switzerland, this is an absolute gain, as the blockchain technology is one of the economic leaders. If the boom continues and Trust Square can truly become the world’s largest blockchain hub, Switzerland could quickly become one of the world’s leading countries in this area.